To set up products for Stripe, start by logging into the Stripe Dashboard. This guide assumes basic knowledge of Stripe and the Stripe Dashboard. For more information, visit Stripe's [documentation and guides for the Dashboard](🔗).

# Create a new Product

To create a new product, click on products in the sidebar of the Stripe Dashboard, then click **Add Product**. 

 Enter details about the product, including name and price information, and click 'Save'.  The ID of the new product is a unique identifier that is automatically generated by Stripe, prefixed with `prod_`. This is the identifier that you'll need later to [setup products in RevenueCat](🔗).


Only **Package Pricing** and **Standard Pricing** subscription plans with **per unit** pricing are supported. Metered usage and tiers are currently not supported.

# Integrate with RevenueCat

If you're ready to integrate your new Stripe product with RevenueCat, continue our [product setup guide ](🔗).