# What is RevenueCat?

RevenueCat provides a backend and a wrapper around StoreKit and Google Play Billing to make implementing in-app purchases and subscriptions easy. With our SDK, you can build and manage your app business on any platform without having to maintain IAP infrastructure. You can read more about [how RevenueCat fits into your app](🔗) or you can [sign up free](🔗) to start building.

# Android

## Installation

Purchases for Android (Google Play and Amazon Appstore) is available on Maven and can be included via Gradle.


## Import Purchases

You should now be able to import `Purchases`.

## Configure Proguard (Optional)

We are adding Proguard rules to the library so you don't need to do anything. If you have any issues finding classes in our SDK, try adding `-keep class com.revenuecat.purchases.** { *; }` to your Proguard configuration.

# Amazon

## Additional Dependencies

Add a new dependency to the build.gradle apart from the regular `purchases` dependency. These new dependencies have the classes needed to use Amazon IAP:

## Add Amazon public key

Adding support for Amazon requires adding a `.pem` public key to your project. You can configure this key by following Amazon's guide [here](🔗).

Due to some limitations, RevenueCat will only validate purchases made in production or in Live App Testing and won't validate purchases made with the Amazon App Tester.

# Next Steps

  • Now that you've installed the Purchases SDK in your Android app, get started by [configuring an instance of Purchases ](🔗)