The Slack integration is available on the [Starter](🔗) plan.

RevenueCat can send you Slack message to a channel any time an event happens in your app. This lets you keep a close pulse on your app and celebrate those money making moments!

# Events

The Slack integration tracks the following events:

Event TypeDefault Event Name (Fallback)DescriptionApp StorePlay StoreAmazonStripePromo
Initial PurchaseCustomer \<user_id> just started a subscription of \<product_id>A new subscription has been purchased.
Trial StartedCustomer \<user_id> just started a free trial of \<product_id>The start of an auto-renewing subscription product free trial.
Trial ConvertedCustomer \<user_id> just converted from a free trial of \<product_id>When an auto-renewing subscription product converts from a free trial to normal paid period.
Trial CancelledCustomer \<user_id> just cancelled their free trial of \<product_id>When a user turns off renewals for an auto-renewing subscription product during a free trial period.
RenewalCustomer \<user_id> just renewed their subscription of \<product_id>An existing subscription has been renewed or a lapsed user has resubscribed.
CancellationCustomer \<user_id> just cancelled their subscription of \<product_id>A subscription or non-renewing purchase has been cancelled. See [cancellation reasons](🔗) for more details.
Non Subscription PurchaseCustomer \<user_id> just purchased \<product_id>A customer has made a purchase that will not auto-renew.
Billing IssueCustomer \<user_id> got a billing issue on \<product_id>There has been a problem trying to charge the subscriber. This does not mean the subscription has expired. Can be safely ignored if listening to CANCELLATION event + cancel_reason=BILLING_ERROR.
Product ChangeCustomer \<user_id> got a product change from \<old_product_id> to \<new_product_id>A subscriber has changed the product of their subscription. This does not mean the new subscription is in effect immediately. See [Managing Subscriptions](🔗) for more details on updates, downgrades, and crossgrades.

# Configure Slack Workspace

Before RevenueCat can post to your Slack channel, you need to authorize a webhook to post to your workspace. Slack has a more [detailed article](🔗) on their website explaining how to set this up if you have trouble.

## 1. Create a **Slack app**

  • Navigate to [](🔗) and create a new app. Give it a name like "RevenueCat" and select your workspace.

  • Click **Create App**

## 2. Enable **Incoming Webhooks** from the settings page

  • Select **Incoming Webhooks** under _Add features and functionality_

  • Enable the Incoming Webhooks toggle

  • After the settings page refreshes, click **Add New Webhook to Workspace**

## 3. Pick a channel that the app will post to, then click **Authorize**

# Configure RevenueCat Integration

Once you've set up a webhook in your Slack workspace. Enter the details into the Slack Integration section of your [dashboard](🔗).

You're all set! RevenueCat will start sending events into Slack!

# Sample Events

Below are sample JSONs that are delivered to Slack for each event type.