Maybe you already use a certain platform and are hoping for a way to send it data from RevenueCat, or are looking to fill a specific need or use case, a new way to calculate revenue or push marketing efforts.

Built by our partners and certified by our team, these integrations can help to fill those needs or spark new ideas altogether.

Since they are not implemented in our dashboard, follow the guide on our partner's sites to connect your account and get up and running in no time.

# How Do I Get Support?

The answer to this depends on the question you have, or the area that you need support in.

Since these are partner-built solutions, the partners themselves will know best how to support the implementation and management of these tools.

If your questions are in regards to configuring products, entitlements, or offerings on RevenueCat’s dashboard, or how to interact with any of our metrics and charts, please don’t hesitate to contact [[email protected]](🔗).

# How Do I Get Started?

Use the links below to find the set up guide on each of our partner's sites.

## Partner-Built Integrations

[Predicted ](🔗)

## Partner-Built Attribution Providers

[Airbridge ](🔗)

# How Do I Get Started As A Partner?

To build an integration with us, we recommend using our [webhooks](🔗) to send RevenueCat events directly to your servers. You should take a look at our [Security and Best Practices](🔗) and [Sample Webhook Events](🔗) sections to understand how to handle duplicate events, what webhook events you should be expecting, and the fields RevenueCat will dispatch.

If you are interested in setting up a sample app to test the entire flow, you can check out our [Sample Apps](🔗) documentation for further instructions.